Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Spy Two Things...

A friend of mine just moved into a new house and had this beauty left behind by the previous owners!  

You know my feelings about "free" stuff...I'LL TAKE IT!  :)  

I plan to paint and distress this, frost the glass, pick out cute hardware, and store some of my crafty stuff in it...but there isn't a great spot for it in my house.  Make it and find a place to put it later is usually my motto.  

Then I was staring at it today and it hit me, I'll make it into TWO pieces of furniture!  

One beautiful glass cabinet!

And one sweet...um...media console...sofa table...to be determined!

 (Yes, that is the broken handle holding it up from falling over on my car.)

I promised my husband a two week turnaround time from when it graced our garage to when he could help me carry it into our house...let's see how I do...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Need a calendar...Even in the Summer :(

This was supposed to be my "summer of freedom" becuase I'm finished with my classes for my master's degree, I have no kids, and I'm not working a summer job...whoo hooo!  However, I found that I still have a lot of things to do like doctor's appointments and summer meetings (yes, teachers DO WORK in the summer...between naps at the pool...)

The solution: We need a calendar!  Can I make one you ask?  Yeppers!  Can I remember to do the things I write on it??  We'll see how that goes.  :)

If you go to Hobby Lobby on the weeks when they have 50% off their scrapbook paper you can get your hands on a whole stack of these for arould a quarter each.

 I like that they are plain because they blend in with my fridge.

Add a few of these stickers, write in the dates and you've got yourself a place to put that dreaded dentist appointment.

If you're looking to make a gift or just aren't the plain jane type, you could add some color.  These make great gifts for expecting parents because they are 12x12 which is a standard scrapbook size, so they can fill them out and slip them into their baby scrapbook, eliminating the need for a baby calendar and a scrapbook...you can tell I don't have kids because I think there is time to make/do all of that...  :) 

Many of the words were cut out with my Cricut machine.  The April and May calendars were made from the Cricut and didn't use one of the white pages. 

I think it's nap time....if I write it on the calendar it's something I have to do, right?


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Last year....

I haven't been very good at taking before and after pictures or even ones as I go along, but here are a few of the things I've made this year...with a few funnies thrown in.   Enjoy!  (These were taken on my phone, so the quality isn't the best...)

I rang in the new year with a million rice bags that I made for family and friends.

I did a few made-to-order onesies...I even surprised myself with this one!

A friend at work had a baby...what a great excuse to make cookies!

Valentine's Day...another great excuse!

A treat for our janitors...they have earned the highest ranking that our district awards for keeping our school clean.  They handled a dumped out fish tank with no problem in my room this year...  :)

After a little "tornado" in my classroom one student found a broken CD and an extra embryology packet...so creative...let's use that creativity to learn our multiplication facts please...

 I LOVE APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!!!!!!!  Eggs and bacon...or 'fake'on ...kids loved it! 

I froze TONS of freeze pops to help with a fundraiser this year...it was a success!  The ones I broke and stained my freezer were a fail!  


I have no kids...have to show off the cat...(sorry mom...soon, I promise!)  

A gift from a student for all my troubles...

Wedding season!  I'm getting pretty good at these!

I took a picture of this painting in a store...think I can make it?  


Okay...I read blogs everyday and each time I swear I'm going to make one for myself.  

Not that I have anything exciting to share, but it's worth giving a shot.  This blog will be a combination of teaching ideas, crafty successes...(and fails!)...with a lot of other stuff mixed in.  
