Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Need a calendar...Even in the Summer :(

This was supposed to be my "summer of freedom" becuase I'm finished with my classes for my master's degree, I have no kids, and I'm not working a summer job...whoo hooo!  However, I found that I still have a lot of things to do like doctor's appointments and summer meetings (yes, teachers DO WORK in the summer...between naps at the pool...)

The solution: We need a calendar!  Can I make one you ask?  Yeppers!  Can I remember to do the things I write on it??  We'll see how that goes.  :)

If you go to Hobby Lobby on the weeks when they have 50% off their scrapbook paper you can get your hands on a whole stack of these for arould a quarter each.

 I like that they are plain because they blend in with my fridge.

Add a few of these stickers, write in the dates and you've got yourself a place to put that dreaded dentist appointment.

If you're looking to make a gift or just aren't the plain jane type, you could add some color.  These make great gifts for expecting parents because they are 12x12 which is a standard scrapbook size, so they can fill them out and slip them into their baby scrapbook, eliminating the need for a baby calendar and a can tell I don't have kids because I think there is time to make/do all of that...  :) 

Many of the words were cut out with my Cricut machine.  The April and May calendars were made from the Cricut and didn't use one of the white pages. 

I think it's nap time....if I write it on the calendar it's something I have to do, right?



  1. Can I order one of the calendars? I like the 12 x 12 pages with all of the fun doo dads on them!!! Seriously - will you make them to order? If not, no worries, but I would pay for one - too cute! :)

  2. ya megan you should start making some and selling them! they are superrrr cute and you rock at it.
